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A degree is not enough to find a job. 

You may have heard about the competitive global market. If you have not, where have you been? If you know about this, then you know that you must stand out from the rest. How can you do that? With a minor of course.  Not everyone knows what is a minor but simply put, a minor can serve as the key which defines your expertise and knowledge base for a chosen career.  So, why do I need to choose a minor?  

Well, in today’s competitive global market you must have something to help you stand apart from the crowd. By completing a minor, you add versatility and more value to your resumé, because minors bring more support and compliment your major.  

After graduating from the University, a major will set you up as specializing in one area. But in the real world, future employers are looking for graduates with a broader set of skills. A minor provides that competitive edge you need to outshine the competition. 

Also, you can choose a minor to study things that you are interested in on a personal level. You can study a science major and may have a passion for creative writing. No matter what minor you choose, or for what reason, your choice and dedication will expand your horizons in many ways.  

Here at Arkansas State University Campus Querétaro, we offered the following minors: 

·      Minor in Marketing 

·      Minor in Global Supply Chain Management 

·      Minor in General Business 

·      Minor in International Business 

·      Minor in Strategic Communications 

·      Minor in English 

·      Minor in Psychology 

·      Minor in Biology 

·      Minor in Chemistry 

So, next time when someone asks you, “what´s a minor?”, you will know the answer. A secondary specialization that adds more value, skills, and interests to your career goals and personal life.  Learn everything about A-State minors here

Arkansas State University Querétaro

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