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When they tell us about universities, they always mention the academic aspects: what about the study programs, what about the laboratories, the curriculum, the professors; an endless number of aspects that, although important, leave aside another perspective of studying a career: university life. 

At A-State Querétaro we want you to feel part of the Pack. We have many activities that you can attend. We have football, Rugby or flag football where you will surely feel all the team’s energy. You can also go with your friends to the presentations or conferences that take place on campus. 

Join a team, or join a club. It is an excellent way to create friendships and relationships with people who think similarly to you and are interested in the same things as you. In addition, depending on the type of club you join or form, you could have an impact on your community. 

These are some of the clubs we have at A-State: 

  • SGA: SGA strives to promote a greater understanding and cooperation with the faculty and administration. SGA works to ensure that the students exercise their rights to influence academic policies on the university’s campus. 
  • Student Activities Board (SAB) is responsible for providing events, programs and leadership opportunities that expand your college experience outside of the classroom. 
  • Red Wolf Ring: An engineering club that provides students the opportunity to apply knowledge through activities and tournaments. 
  • Dance Wolves: This club encourages student participation in dance classes and events irrespective of the student’s degree of talent. This club provides an opportunity to better the dancer in students through constant engagement and through workshops. Tennis
  • Club: The club is designed for student to have fun playing tennis, socializing with peers, and developing techniques. Everyone is welcome to come practice. 
  • ASUCQ Arts: Students will develop basic skills/training in the theatre arts. But also, students will develop knowledge of theatre history and dramatic literature. 
  • Genoma STEM Club (Chemistry & Engineering Club) A Chemistry and Engineering club that provides students the opportunity to apply knowledge through a variety of activities as well as improving students’ academic performance through practice. 
  • Koinonia Christian Club: Help each student realize that he or she is a unique individual created in the image of God. The club helps each student develop a sense of competence, self-esteem, and a positive attitude toward the opportunity and privilege of learning. 
  • ECO-ASUCQ (ecology) – The Ecology Club is open to all ASUCQ students. The purpose of the club is to increase awareness of ecological issues and to work to improve the environment. 
  • MUA Starters (makeup club) – This makeup club give students the opportunity to share their passion for makeup and learn new techniques and artistic makeup skills. 
  • Oratory and Expression Club – The goal of this club is to instill a love for language among students and enhance their literary skills, while encouraging them to become orators and a sense of confidence. 
  • E-Sports Club is a club enthralled in the game scene. Players specialize in a specific game, form game teams (clans), compete together in tournaments. 
  • Cheerleading Club: This club focuses on learning and perfecting new stunts, as well as working on bettering the body for cheer with conditioning and challenges. 
  • Basketball Club: The club prepares students with the necessary skills to perform successfully in basketball and life with an emphasis on sportsmanship, respect, responsibility, leadership and teamwork. 
  • Volleyball Club: Students have fun in practice and obtain the necessary skills to perform successfully in volleyball and life with an emphasis on sportsmanship, respect, responsibility, leadership, and teamwork. 
  • Business Leaders Club: Business Leaders Club provides networking opportunities with Área Business Leaders through the organization of events and conferences. These provide insight on career, discuss business cultures, and learn about policies in different parts of the world. 
  • Athena Sorority: A sisterhood created for women to empower themselves, feel free, be heard, deconstruct ideas, and reunite. 
  • Self-Defense ClubThis club offers several basic self-defense moves and techniques, develops teamwork, and provide an environment for the learning new ideas. Practice can be rigorous at times, but most students end up enjoying it the whole time. 
  • Astronomy Club: The Astronomy Club offers an opportunity to the community to create or enhance knowledge of the universe including, astronomical events, the celestial landscape, and conferences that promote learning on astronomy. 

Remember to inform yourself and make the most of these opportunities. 

Arkansas State University Querétaro

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