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A-State Admissions Overview

Future freshmen, welcome to Arkansas

Every year, we welcome nearly 1,000 freshmen from all over the world. It adds up to a world of new connections, relationships and endless possibilities with a mix of backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities. Become part of the pack.

Transferring to A-State? Finish your degree at A-State

Our transfer program provides a seamless process for you to earn a bachelor’s degree. The Admissions department will work hand-in-hand with your institution to create a smooth transition. We are here to help you have a successful educational journey at Arkansas State University Querétaro.

Our Admission Process

1 Fill out the application

Create an account and fill out the required fields

2 Send your documentation

Upload the necessary documentation for the application

3 Welcome to A-State

we will send you an admission letter to welcome you to the Red Wolf Pack!

Request Information

Tuition and Fees

How and When to Pay Tuition and Fees

To complete registration, you’ll need to pay the Admission Fee and Down Payment ahead of admission.

Upon admission, if you’re planning to live in our residence halls, you’ll need to pay for the first Room and Board monthly payment. If by institutional policies you receive an off-campus living waiver, you’ll need to pay for the first tuition monthly payment.

Disclaimer: A-State reserves the right to alter the schedule of fees complying with DOF:10/03/1992 Article 5.


Treasurer’s Office.

Rates subject to change

Per institutional policies there are no Admissions reimbursements.

Cash payments are not accepted on campus.



To foster and nurture an invested community of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners who understand and promote global consciousness in their daily and professional lives through language and cultural acceptance.


To equip foreign language students as multicultural and linguistic assets who possess the written and oral language communication tools necessary for academic success, critical thinking, professional growth, lifelong learning, and the promotion of global culturalism.


To cultivate globally-conscious students who possess academic English abilities and skills necessary for success at the university and their professional careers through a shared goal within the international community.

Methodology: 3 Ps - Presentation, Practice, Production

Embracing the three Ps methodology into the program’s three-prong approach to immersive academic English Acquisition, the student begins to live the language in multiple dimensions both in the classroom and within the Living Learning Community. The three Ps bring learning theory, skills practice, and language ownership to every class presented throughout the program. The student’s individual strengths combined with the community’s needs and goals are synergized by contextual lessons to develop this uniquely designed Academic English Language Immersion program at Arkansas State University Querétaro. 

What courses does TUS offer?

Academic and Language Preparation for Heutagogical Applications (ALPHA) is a program designed to prepare students academically for autonomous learning and growth in university level courses.  Students receive Academic English courses which build up their abilities and academic levels. A variety of strategies essential for success are led by highly trained ELT professionals who work closely with the students to facilitate skill development and growth. 

The Academic Skills Workshops program is designed to aid students in the acquisition and/or further development of imerative abilities to improve and maximize their performance in universitt-level courses. These workshops focus on the theory and practiceof skills foundational to the student’s success throughout their academic experience at ASUCQ. The workshops target skills such as Oral Communication, Reading Comprehension, Essay and Academic Writing, Listening Comprehension, Vocabulary Building, Learner Autonomy, and Critical Thinking and Analysis.

An interactive and intensive course that helps students who have not obtained a 3.5 or higher score on the iTEP exam. Students take online classes with skilled TUS professors. Class material is personalized to help the students in their two exam areas of greatest need.

Critical Program Characteristics

  1. Promote authentic interactions for social and academic language.
  2. Promote a culturally responsive learning environment.
  3. Bridge the gap in academic language from high school to university.
  4. Address needs in:
    1. Reading: Comprehension and fluency survival strategies (translation/dictionary use) versus learning strategies (analytical thinking and context clues).
    2. Listening: Understanding the forms and patterns of written and spoken language.
    3. Vocabulary: Building idioms, cognates and collocations.
    4. Critical Thinking: Inside and outside the learning environment.
    5. Language: Structure and function.
  5. Teach second language learners to self-monitor and use world knowledge, personal experiences, and self-questioning to aid their comprehension in all language pillars.

Arkansas State University Querétaro

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