Are you about to get out of high school and do not know what career to study? Do not worry, most people have been through this and the purpose of this article is to help you make that important decision. What career to study? Why that major? Why would it be best for you? Does personality type become an influencing factor? 

Here are 10 tips to help answers these kinds of questions. Use these tips as tools to help you make an informed decision about your professional future: 

  1. Find yourself 

Make a list of what you like to do. Breathe, think, take out a notebook and pen. Start writing your biggest interests, reflect on your abilities and skills. What are you good at? Also write down your strengths and weaknesses. Circle the interests that are related to each other and that way you will realize what you really like to do and what career you could relate to. 

  1. Think about what you want to be and not what to study 

Stop thinking for a moment about what to study and ask yourself what you want to be. When you ask a child what he wants to be, he easily answers: fireman, singer, influencer. But as a child you do not think what it takes to fulfill this dream. It’s more important to know what you want to do throughout your working life, to be clear where you’d like to work, than to worry about what you have to learn in college to achieve it. 

  1. Investigate the educational opportunity 

Get to know the enormous educational opportunities that exists as well as the obligatory and optional subjects you need to study. Find out if the major has specialties and possibilities to study abroad. This research will allow you to have new information that will help you to choose more consciously. 

  1. Know the labor market 

Which majors have the most professional demand? Which specialties are the most demanded? A low-value title in the labor market can be difficult to pay off. There are currently careers that do not have much demand in the workforce while others cannot meet the demand due to lack of skilled labor. Knowing the context of how a profession develops within the job market will help you understand how it unfolds outside the classroom. 

  1. There is no single vocation 

Most of the time, there is an orientation towards certain professions in which our tastes, skills, and motivations can be developed if we are exposed to different disciplines that are demanded by the labor market. Discover them! There does not have to be a single professional vocation. 

  1. Look for universities outside your city 

If the career you are looking for is not given at the universities in your city, do not abandon your vocation. Open the range of possibilities: each university and each city has different careers because they are more requested in that locality. In addition to studying your career you can experience living outside the home, becoming more independent and responsible. 

  1. How long is the major? 

In general, almost all majors have a similar duration. However, there are majors in which it is highly recommended to specialize or study a postgraduate degree. Think about whether you would not mind lengthening your time as a student by a few years or if you prefer to start working right after graduation.  

  1. Do not think about money 

We know that the revenue you can earn in the future will be highly related to the career you choose – as we said in point 5. This is very important, since money allows you to grow your legacy but remember that what you choose is something, you will devote yourself to for the rest of your life. No career ensures economic success. If that is the case, almost everyone would have studied it, wouldn’t they? You won’t earn the money if you study something you don’t like or don’t care about, because you won’t do it with passion, and you won’t have good execution in any position. Good professionals make good money, and to be good you must have passion for what you do. You must be satisfied with your professional performance, otherwise you will not be happy with your professional life. 

  1. Vocational test 

If you still have a hard time choosing your professional future, take a vocational test. This will also help you discover careers you did not even know or skills you would not have been aware of. 

  1. Decide for yourself 

Do not get carried away by the masses; don’t let anyone else choose for you. Your dad, your mom, your friends, professional counselors and even our articles can give you tips, which are useful for making comparisons and ratings. But once you have the information in your hands, you must be the one to make the decision about what to study and where. 

Arkansas State University Querétaro

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